Register to the European Commission workshop on Future Space Ecosystem activities

On Wednesday, 9 November 2022, the Commission is organising an online workshop on EU-funded R&I for Future Space Ecosystem.

The workshop aims to take stock of ongoing EU-funded R&I activities in the Future Space Ecosystem line of the Space R&I Programme and to gather ideas for the Horizon Europe future programming. Furthermore, it will allow to draw perspectives and update the Commission’s technological roadmap(s).  

 Registration for the workshop occurs in two steps: 

  1. Register to the STARS*EU website ( – this first step is only necessary once!
  2. Once your registration is approved (it may take a few hours), you will have the possibility to access the registration page of the workshop in the restricted area of the website ( 

 Registrations are open until 04 November 2022. 

Want to learn more about the Future Space Ecosystem? Download the Future Space Ecosystem factsheet here