Welcome to the Stars*EU website!

First of all, we want to introduce ourselves:
We are the Space Technology And Research Support*EU (STARS*EU) Consortium. This website shall be an entry door to space research (i.e., central information point on EU-funded space research).

Why does the European Commission fund Space R&I?
Space is both a strategic asset and an enormous opportunity for our society and economy. Space technologies, infrastructure, services and data provide the EU with the tools needed to address societal challenges and big global concerns, such as climate change, migration, mobility, energy security and many others. Furthermore, the security and well-being of our citizens increasingly depend on information and services provided from space. Therefore, Space R&I lays the foundation to our status quo and future innovation. To stay up to speed in the final frontier, it is necessary to stimulate the integration of space into European society and economy, foster a globally competitive European space sector and ensure European autonomy in accessing and using space in a safe and secure environment.

What is the task of STARS*EU?
STARS*EU supports the Directorate General DEFence Industry and Space (DG DEFIS), which leads the European Commission’s activities in the Defence Industry and Space Sector, in the following missions:

Education and skills for space in the EU: The understanding of educational needs required by the research community and industry is fundamental to ensure that adequate educational standards and a skilled workforce are in place to compete in the future global space ecosystem.

Creation and dissemination of scientific knowledge: Fundamental science and research are essential to enable more advanced technology development.

Analysis of EU-funded projects in the field of space: Identification of best practices for the upcoming programming cycles.

Support to the consultation platform: Support the inclusive and structured process to elaborate a Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) for Space R&I.

Have a look for yourself and explore our website for more information about Space R&I and stay tuned for future content about space R&I, the consultation process, and the findings of our project.